Old Lazy Dog brings a different view of faith, life, and the struggles we face in the marketplace and our day to day lives…while we strive to go deeper in our faith walk, put our faith to work, and see God at work around us on a daily basis.

3 Sunrises

3 Sunrises


I began writing this a few years ago and sort of set it aside in my work travels of the moment... I finished it today. I believe it still applies to my my heart and my concerns. Maybe yours too.

3 Sunrises

Earlier this week, as I drove to work in the driving rain and put my sunglasses on to better see through the glare of the rising sun and the rain, my mind was reminded of my birthday a few years ago and how I watched the sunrise over Washington DC. I could feel peace in my heart as I watched God seemingly paint the sky in brilliance ~ golden orange, peach, multi shades of blue and gold... with a sprinkling of clouds to even more reflect the light and add to the brilliance.

And my mouth softly praised, “Amazing!”

As I took in God’s creativity, my heart began to pray... reminded of the beginning of a prayer the prophet Habakkuk once prayed

Lord, I have heard of your fame; 

I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord.

Repeat them in our day, 

in our time make them known; 

in wrath remember mercy.” - Habakkuk 3:2 NIV


As the rain fell and the sun rose over The Bay in that drive earlier in the week, I saw a nation in need... in need of a Savior. I saw a nation slowly fading from its “Christian” values and becoming more and more focused on itself and its own “greatness” ~ relying more and more on its own strength and abilities, relying more and more on its own creations (whether it be government or corporations, programs or faux stability), and relying less and less on God.

And I prayed that prayer again:

Lord, I have heard of your fame; 

I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord.

Repeat them in our day, 

in our time make them known; 

in wrath remember mercy.

O Lord, we need you more than we need the sunrise, more than we need the rain. We have read of your great wrath against those who turn and go their own way, of nations that turn from your principles and precepts. O Lord, have patience with us. We know of your great love. Help us find our way back to you. Lead us. Lead our nation. Strengthen our resolve. Lead us back to you, O Lord, lead us back to you.


And as I turn my mind to today’s sunrise, I see the renewing... the coming of a new day. A new dawn. A new beginning. A new day to bring all glory and honor and praise to the One who deserves such praise - The Lamb of God, the Creator of the Universe, the Savior of the World. 

And my heart sings... and my knees bow down.

Keep the Faith... Carpe Diem

Come Let Us...

Come Let Us...

Greater... Less

Greater... Less